It comes after three helicopters were used to fight a 19ha scrub fire in the Tahorakuri Forest area near Reporoa on Wednesday. A Fire and Emergency spokesperson said on Friday four crews were still on site, double-checking their firebreak. “We’re working with one excavator and one bulldozer who are supported by a tanker to dampen down hotspots and monitor the weather conditions.” Ngongotahā Volunteer Fire Brigade fire chief Tai Thompson said another example of the dangers was an incident in December when strong winds caused powerlines to arc in Ngongotahā. Sparks flew into vegetation, resulting in half a dozen scrub fires in two or three days, he said.
In December, temperatures reached a record high of 34.8C in the forestry town of Kawerau. For nearby Rotorua, MetService records show wind gusts peaked at 72km/h and temperatures reached as high as 26.4C during the same month. The Bay of Plenty was classified as a restricted fire area as of January 9.
Thompson said this meant a permit was required when lighting fires in a yellow or restricted zone. Permits could be applied for on the Fire and Emergency website. “When we have a lot of wind, that can cause power lines to arc or knock together, causing sparks, which, when it’s dry, can spark fires. “It’s rural, it can be residential scrub and dried grass as well.”
The Rotorua brigade serviced the metropolitan area and supported rural brigades, he said. Thompson said callouts this season had been “okay”, with not too many for non-permitted fires. He encouraged anyone interested in joining the Ngongotahā fire brigade to get in touch with him. Due to volunteer firefighters retiring or moving out of the region, “we are looking for more volunteers”. “It’s a good time to get involved and we’re keen to take on a few more members if they want to do something different for their community.”
Residents who wanted to burn rubbish were advised to take it to the tip instead. When people in Rotorua burned rubbish, smoke could become a nuisance for neighbours. “With the winds that we’ve been getting it doesn’t take long to get into other areas,” he said. Permits were needed for bonfires too. “I urge anyone who thinks they are going to light a fire for rubbish to take it to the tip. “Absolutely no fires now because it is just too dry,” he said.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council regulatory compliance manager Stephen Mellor said only Fire and Emergency could declare fire seasons or issue permits, but permitted fires still needed to comply with council rules. “In both urban and rural areas, outdoor fires cannot be lit within 100m of a neighbouring dwelling unless specific exemptions apply.” These exemptions included braziers, barbecues, pizza ovens, smokers, and hāngā, “as long as smoke emissions are not offensive”, Thompson said.