Volunteers went door-to-door in Springfield and Western Heights collecting for The Daily Post Christmas Appeal.
Food collected will go to the foodbank and will also be used for 120 Christmas hampers being put together to help struggling families during the Christmas period.
Staff from The Daily Post and volunteers from the Salvation Army and members of the Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force headed out on to the streets of Springfield between 6pm and 8pm. Staff from Classic Hits, Rotorua police, Smiths City and St John Rotorua collected donations of food in Western Heights at the same time.
The "can drive" was a huge success with hundreds of dollars' worth of food collected.
Donations of money or non-perishable food to The Daily Post Christmas Appeal for the Salvation Army foodbank can be made at The Daily Post offices in Rotorua, Whakatane and Taupo while the Salvation Army is taking only donations of food.
Donations can be made at The Daily Post, 1143 Hinemoa St, between 8am and 5pm weekdays. or at Community Ministries at Community House on Haupapa St between 9am and 2.30pm weekdays. Organisations or individuals planning a can drive or fundraising event are asked to contact reporter Abigail Hartevelt, ph (07) 348 6199 ext 57049 or email [email protected].
Donations for the Salvation Army's foodbank in Whakatane can be dropped off at the Salvation Army church on 87 King St or left at the Whakatane News/The Daily Post office in Phoenix House on Pyne St.
Donations for the Salvation Army's foodbank in Taupo can be dropped off at the Salvation Army church at 2 Kiddle Dr in Taupo or at The Daily Post office in Taupo, 67 Paora Hapi St.