The Fire Force recently had the opportunity to participate in some live fire training in Ngongotaha and, in the not too distant future, will be participating in some joint training with the Tarawera and Rotoiti fire units. We have also had two joint training sessions with the Civil Defence Team from Rotorua District Council. This provides invaluable experience in not only working together but also understanding how different organisations operate. Please read the notice from Civil Defence (page 9) regarding testing of their mobile alerting system in Okareka on Tuesday, 23 September. This will be carried out in conjunction with the Lake Okareka Fire Force.
We also helped with the Fire and Ice Festival at the Rotorua lakefront back in July. This consisted of two separate days due to inclement weather. On the first occasion, we assisted with the fire walk – not too many burnt toes – and on the second occasion, the bonfire, laser light display and fireworks evening.
Around 5 November, we are going to be holding a community evening for Guy Fawkes. Planning for this event is still in progress and more details will be sent out closer to the time.
On 4 December, a contingent of Lake Okareka firefighters will be attempting the Goat, which is a run from Whakapapa to Turoa ski fields, a distance of some 21 kilometres in alpine terrain. Keep an eye out for us running up the Blue Lake hill as part of our training!
Finally, with Daylight Saving not too far away, please don’t forget to check your smoke alarms.
For anyone wanting to contact the Fire Force, please phone me on 362 8874 or go to our website:
Phil Muldoon
Chief Fire Officer