First Sovereign Trust
Infinity Foundation
New Zealand Community Trust
Southern Trust
Pub Charities
Rotorua Lakes Community Board
Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust
Rotorua District Council
National Rural Fire Authority
We have also had offers of support from the Lake Okareka Community Association and the Lake Okareka Tennis Club. However, as we are still waiting on responses from several trusts, hopefully we can achieve our total without drawing on these local organisations.
Special thanks to Christine Tyler (TACTS) and John Battersby (Solicitor) for their assistance with legal advice, and also Geoff Palmer for his support at a number of meetings with Peter Guerin from the Rotorua District Council.
To date, we have purchased a new cab and chassis from Shorland Isuzu. Tony Shorland has secured us the last available four wheel drive truck in New Zealand which is now in Wellington being fitted-out to our requirements. This process is due for completion in December/January.
This is an immense undertaking made possible only through the dedication of the Lake Okareka Fire Force’s members. Some long hours are being put into this project to ensure funding is secured and the appliance specifications are well researched. The whole Fire Force has been involved in providing input to the project, in particular Dave Herries, Kierin Oppatt and Julie Burne.
The appliance is based on an Australian model Type 34 Pumper, which has proven itself on the fire ground for the last 20 odd years. However, the Lake Okareka appliance will be the first of its type in New Zealand, hence we are developing this appliance to suit New Zealand conditions.
On another note, don’t forget to check your smoke detectors and change the batteries when Daylight Savings starts.
For anyone wanting to contact the Fire Force, please phone me on 362 8874 or go to our website:
Phil Muldoon
Chief Fire Officer